Happy New Year and then it’s March…

2019! The year of weddings and milestones and lots of SkyMiles and who knows what else life has in store for us! January is off to a racing start and the kids haven’t even gone back to school yet!

***dramatic pause, as life happens***

And now it’s March….I started writing this post over 2 months ago. 2 months of traveling, working, visiting friends and family, and of course the big day—my daughter’s wedding.

Its March and I’ve already earned 40,000 SkyMiles and have 9 more months to go. This might be a Diamond status year!

I’ve gained a new son-in-law. I’ve watched my best friend retire from the Army. I’ve crossed the Pacific Ocean 3 times now in an airplane…well, actually we went up and over the North Pole instead of across the ocean, but you get the idea. I watched my oldest daughter marry the love of her life. I listened to my next oldest daughter sing some beautiful music. Check out her YouTube channel!

Sarah Lopez channel on YouTube

My younger daughters are in full swing with soccer and tumbling. They both work hard at school and in sports! We work hard supporting them. My dad fills in when I’m out earning my SkyMiles. And it takes a village—thankful for so many friends and good neighbors that give my girls a ride and a place to stay occasionally so they can still be super active despite having a busy working mom!

So it’s only March. 9 more months to go of this year. It’s not a new year anymore, but there’s still lots of stuff to do and experience. Time isn’t slowing down. And neither am I. Don’t blink or you will miss the opportunity to see so much this life has to offer.

My 5 kids plus their significant others and me!

Support a starving college student! Listen to her EP!

This may be my shortest blog post ever because I want you to go check out my daughters 5 songs! Buy the album, buy a song, listen on an app! Spread the word! Tell a friend, tell a neighbor! If you enjoyed hearing her sing the National Anthem last week, here’s the encore!

What are you waiting for? Go! Go find her on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon music. Search for Sarah Lopez! You won’t be disappointed! And you are helping a Pre-Med college student pay for that great education at Vanderbilt!