Life gets in the way…but here’s more Hawaii pics

I know back in August I said I would post more Hawaii photos. Then there was a short trip here and a short trip there. Soccer away games that included an overnight stay. Homework, practice, and wait for it…work. All these distractions!

So without any more delay, here are some beautiful photos from Waikiki and Pearl Harbor!

View from the elevator lobby on the 14th floor
Tripler Army Medical Center
Food trucks area! Delicious food! BYOB….convenience store next to it was making bank on beer.
My view while laying on the beach
The little fountains along the beach walk were really pretty. Even with homeless people bathing in them occasionally.
Catching all the Pearl Harbor highlights in one photo from the bridge
Oh there’s Diamond Head! View from the water.
I loved how the sea wall made the beach swimming areas calm and relaxing.
Another view of Pearl Harbor going over the bridge to Ford Island
Day before Hurricane Lane hit.
Tropical Storm conditions didn’t stop them from taking wedding photos!
Even the airport was pretty!
View from the plane as we narrowly escaped Hurricane Lane!

And now some images of my food:

Mai Tai greeting on the plane.
Fish….and I can’t remember what kind other than delicious!
Hawaiian Cuban sandwich!
Had to have a Hula Dog, of course!
Pancakes with bananas and chocolate….and oh, look…bacon!
Pancakes with brûlée banana! OMG! And macadamia nut! I could t eat it all, but I ate all the toppings!
This Mai Tai sure looks different than the watered down airplane version.
More fish! With butter macadamia sauce! Yummy!
Gigantic omelette!
No, I wasn’t having breakfast alone. Making friends in Hawaii!

Disclaimer: I worked night shift the whole time there, thus all the great beach time while on a working trip to Hawaii. Sleep…well, who needs that when the beach was a two block walk away!

Hurricane Prepping while on business travel….not my fault its in Hawaii

For the last week or so I’ve been collecting photos to share on my blog after I returned from my trip to Hawaii.   Yes, I’m here on business not leisure.   However, since this little storm named Hurricane Lane has decided to venture my way, I guess I had to make the big announcement early.   Surprise, I’m in Hawaii!

My flight is scheduled to leave tomorrow morning.   Everyone laughs when I say that.   I’m trying to remain confident that the storm will continue to slow down or  turn, and I will be able to use that free upgrade to first class!   Yes, that may be a factor into why I haven’t voluntarily changed my flight already.  The approaching  storm may also be the reason I got the free upgrade as people scrambled to leave early or went ahead and re-booked a later flight.   I’m holding out until Delta Airlines tells me otherwise.   They are still showing an on time departure!

Hurricane prepping at the hotel. Patio furniture officially indoors now!

How do you prep in a hotel room just blocks from the beach?  I brought my patio furniture inside this morning. I bought some water and if the situation turns bad…I have several boxes of chocolate covered macadamia nuts that were supposed to be gifts for friends and family but could also easily be my back-up food supply.  All my electronics and back-up battery supply are plugged in and charging.  I read all the information posted in the hotel lobby.   Good to know that the glass doors in my room are built to withstand 150 mph winds.  My room is by the fire escape, so if we lose power I’ll be able to get downstairs.   Although 16 floors is a long walk.   I pre-packed my stuff because 1) I’m optimistic I’m leaving tomorrow and 2)if I have to evacuate, I don’t want to forget anything in the rush to leave.   I think I’m about ready.

Surfers are enjoying the bigger storm waves.

So, I went down to the beach and took photos of the growing waves.   I may have gotten my feet wet.   I’m smart, but I’m also a girl that grew up in South Florida.   Its like against the law to go to the beach and not get sand between your toes and salt water on your skin.    I enjoyed watching the surfers. The numbers are growing as the day progresses.  Local businesses are boarding up and shutting down.  The life guards have left their towers and are patrolling from their vehicles for their safety and for a wider response.   That means there are no life guards on duty on the beach.   Swim and surf at your own risk—a warning that isn’t slowing anyone down.

Now that I let the cat out of the bag, I’ll let you know how this Hurricane Lane adventure unfolds.  For now, here’s some comparison photos from the same exact spot on the jetty.   One was taken two days ago and the other this morning.

The angry Pacific Ocean behind me pre-hurricane Lane on August 23rd.
The calm blue Pacific Ocean behind me on August 21st.