Why we should respect the National Anthem

My oldest daughter captured a photo of her sister on ESPN 2 from the pre-game show. They didn’t play the National Anthem, but they did show her out there on the field!

My daughter sang the National Anthem at the opening of the Ohio vs. UVA football game today that was played at Vanderbilt University due to Hurricane Florence.   Yes, the same game that was aired live on ESPN 2.  Don’t you dare tell me you took a knee unless you were tying your shoes!  Or praying!  And I pray that my child who stood out there on the 50 yard line all alone saw nothing but proud Americans standing tall with their right hand over their heart while she sang THE National Anthem.   Yes, you have the right to sit or kneel while the Star Spangled Banner is played.  I also have the right to be offended when you disrespect OUR National Anthem that is sang and/or played to honor OUR Flag.   The same Flag that flies high over our Nation’s Capital.  The same Flag that covers the coffins of our Service Members when they make the ultimate sacrifice.  The same Flag that is presented to the mourning family members of the Veterans that gave up so much so you can sit, stand, kneel, or even do a cartwheel when they play the National Anthem.

National Anthem September 2018 Ohio-UVA Football Game played at Vanderbilt (link edited from original post to the professional edition courtesy of UVA)

It is a time honored tradition that our sporting events begin with the playing of the National Anthem.  When did it become acceptable to turn that treasured moment into an opportunity to protest?   Yes, I understand the protests are not meant to be disrespectful to those that gave their lives to keep that flag waving high.  So why not do it some other time?  Turn your back on the half-time show?  Ignore the announcer during the coin toss?  Refuse the cup of Gatorade or Powerade when you are thirsty?  Talk about it in the post-game show?

National Anthem June 2018 WAHS Graduation

This isn’t the first time my daughter sang the National Anthem.   She nailed it at her high school graduation just a few months ago.  I was just as proud then as I am now.  But now she’s taken it to a whole new level!  She’s stood on the green grass in a college football stadium and sang her heart out with nothing between her and the crowd but her guitar.  This time was also different because she sang the National Anthem while I sat in a hotel room on the other side of the world waiting impatiently for the video to be sent to me because this region of the world doesn’t get ESPN 2!  That wouldn’t have mattered anyway.  While she was on TV today, America missed the opportunity to hear her beautiful voice because  she WAS on TV, but they didn’t air the National Anthem.   She looked so tiny on that big college football field.  But her voice was huge and those in attendance today at Vanderbilt Stadium were blessed with a great start to their afternoon of football.   The rest of us were blessed shortly after when the non-professional video was sent literally worldwide!

Yes, I’m a little passionate about the National Anthem and protecting our Flag.  My family has a history of military service.  I’ve worn the uniform for over 25 years.  I’ve stood and saluted the National Anthem hundreds if not thousands of times.  And I’ve attended military funerals.  If you’ve never experienced hearing the bugler play Taps at a graveside service following the firing of a 21 gun salute or watched the solemn folding of the flag before its presented to a grieving family, you may not fully understand what it means to sacrifice yourself for the greater good.   True sacrifice means you are willing to give up EVERYTHING and expect nothing in return.

My youngest two daughters displaying the American Flag on Veterans Day 2015. One was putting it up while the other was protecting it.

I’ve heard people joke in the past that “no one joins the military to get rich.”  While most in the military do not get paid big dollars, they get to experience so much more than money could ever buy:  The friends that become more like family than your real relatives.  The opportunities to see and experience different cultures.  Education and training in some of the top schools and facilities around the world.  Learning the meaning of defending the Constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic.  Sacrificing family time, missing birthdays and holidays, and explaining to your kids why you are going away again and again.  Then seeing your daughter sing the National Anthem just as good if not better than you’ve ever heard before knowing you did something right when you instilled in your children that you RESPECT the National Anthem and stand to face the Flag, always.

And if you don’t agree with me….you are welcome.  You have every right to disagree.  You have every right to speak your mind.  You have every right to sit, stand, kneel, or stand on your head.  That is the American way of life.  But next time you decide to protest during the National Anthem remember that my daughter sang her heart out and nailed it.  Twice!  And that deserves a little bit of your respect, too.

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