My First Post

My first post.   After days of contemplating the website name and learning to navigate the develop of my site, here we go!

Its summer and I finally have a day to work from home.   Stranger Things is playing in two different rooms, on different episodes.  Kids are still wearing their pajamas, and I’m begging them to eat more than snacks and frozen waffles.  And reminding them to drink more water.   Its a typical hot, humid, stay-inside-in-the a/c kind of summer.  Throw in the occasional afternoon/evening thunder storms and you have a perfect set-up for movie marathons and tons of hours on social media.  The life of a pre-teen in 2018!

I like to travel.   I travel a lot for work.  That isn’t always fun.  But those trips are required in order to pay for the travel for fun!   I’m not always the luckiest traveler.   Lost luggage happens.  Delayed flights.  Missed flights.  Flat tires.  Wrong turns.  Confusing GPS directions.  But there are so many lucky things along the way…beautiful sunsets, amazing sunrises, priceless views of nature and architecture….just to name a few.

So this is my first post.   And definitely not “the end.”